Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Find freedom from the limitations of chronic pain and lead a joyful life

Do you feel trapped by chronic pain?

I understand, I've been there too. For two years, back, neck, and sciatic pain ruled my life. I desperately sought relief – doctors, PTs, osteopaths, chiropractors, even Ayurveda. Yet, the pain persisted, worse with each passing day.

Frustration turned to hope when I discovered Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) through "The Way Out" by Alan Gordon who, frustrated by his own pain, developed a revolutionary approach. He conducted a study where participants achieved significant pain reduction, many even becoming completely pain-free.

Just like Gordon's participants, I found freedom. Devouring the book, applying the techniques, and with some support, I finally conquered chronic pain. I trained with Gordon's team and am now a certified Pain Reprocessing Therapist, completely pain-free myself.

Imagine moving freely, exercising, doing yoga, hiking, swimming – activities I once thought impossible. Now, I plan for the future without fear, feeling truly liberated.

My deepest wish is to help you achieve the same freedom.

    Pain Reprocessing


    Chronic pain holding you back? You're not alone.

    Countless people struggle with chronic pain, a constant battle invisible to others. It can feel isolating, leaving you questioning your future and ability to live life to the fullest.

    But here's the truth: You don't have to accept pain as your reality. There is hope for healing, and you have the power to reclaim your life.

    I understand your frustration. You've tried countless solutions with minimal results.

    Discouragement sets in, leaving you wondering "Will I ever feel better?"

    Your pain is invisible to others, and they may not fully grasp the daily challenges you endure. This lack of understanding can reinforce a sense of isolation.

    Yet, amidst the worries about the future, there is hope. You may think, "How can I still enjoy life and fulfill my dreams with this pain?" However, it's possible to find joy and meaning, even in the midst of adversity.

    While feelings of powerlessness and discouragement are understandable, they need not define your journey.

    Despite your efforts, the pain may persist, leading you to wonder, "Nothing works, I have no hope of ever healing." But healing is a process, and every step forward counts.

    The symptoms and emotions you experience can make your body seem like an enemy. Anger, sadness, and frustration may accumulate, leaving you uncertain about how to find relief.

    The good news is: With the right tools and support, it is possible to experience significant relief from chronic pain. My program utilises a holistic mind-body approach to address the root causes of your suffering, not just the symptoms.

    Imagine: Living without the constant ache dictating your actions.

    Imagine: Reconnecting with activities you love, free from pain's limitations.

    Imagine: Embracing a brighter future filled with possibility.

    I'm here to guide you on that journey. Let's work together to understand and manage your pain, so that you can reclaim your life and rediscover joy.

    My support might be a good fit for you if you're dealing with:

    • Aches and pains: While I cannot diagnose or treat specific medical conditions, my program can provide tools and strategies to help better manage various chronic pain experiences, including those related to fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue, IBS, and post-viral symptoms like long COVID.
    • Unsolved mysteries: Been to the doctor, but still can't pinpoint the cause of your pain? Exploring the idea of neuroplasticity (your brain's ability to rewire itself) might offer some answers.
    • Feeling stuck: Tried treatments for months with little progress? We don't just manage symptoms; we focus on addressing the root cause to work towards lasting relief.
    • Seeking a proven method: This program uses evidence-based pain reprocessing therapy to help you achieve significant and lasting results.
    • Ready to take charge: This program requires commitment to using the tools you'll learn. Are you ready to actively participate in reclaiming your life from pain?

    If you're nodding along, let's chat! I can help you understand your pain better and empower you to take control of your healing journey.

    I can help you

    • Explore and understand potential root causes driving your pain experience: Discover what's driving your pain and learn effective strategies to manage it.

    • Learn techniques designed to help quiet the fear response that can amplify pain perception: Overcome the fear response that amplifies pain.

    • Calm your nervous system: Learn techniques to soothe your nervous system and promote healing.
    • Discover methods that may help harness your brain's potential for reducing pain and improving well-being: Harness the power of your brain to reduce pain and improve well-being.

    • Shift your mindset: Release negative thoughts and emotions that contribute to pain.
    • Embrace peace: Cultivate a peaceful acceptance of your body's signals.
    • Master simple strategies: Learn practical tools and skills to achieve lasting freedom from pain.

    How does the support work?

    • 8 Individual (1 hour) Online Pain Reprocessing Therapy Sessions: Address the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms and develop personalised strategies.
    • Unlimited Whatsapp Support Between Sessions: Get ongoing guidance and support from me..
    • Access to audio recordings of guided practices : Somatic Tracking, meditations, Visualisations.
    • Learn about pain reprocessing, pain science, and self-management techniques.
    • Customised Relaxation Techniques Training: Learn to manage stress and improve sleep, impacting pain perception.
    • Receive practical tools and exercises after each session to help you seamlessly integrate and apply your newfound insights.

    • Progress Tracking & Goal Setting: Stay motivated and celebrate your journey towards a pain-free life.

    This process is designed to help you work towards

    • Finding freedom from the limitations of chronic pain: Work towards reclaiming more physical freedom with the goal of being able to participate in desired activities with less limitation from chronic pain.

    • Rediscovering joy and fulfillment: Learn skills designed to help you cultivate more joy, contentment, and enthusiasm, even in the presence of chronic pain.
    • Navigating life with greater ease: Approach challenges with confidence and increased energy.
    • Pursuing your passions: Reconnecting with your hobbies and making plans you're truly passionate about.



    To support you, I utilise evidence-based approaches grounded in the latest pain science research:

    • Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT): Developed by Dr. Alan Gordon, PRT is a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) approach supported by growing research demonstrating its effectiveness in reducing chronic pain. A 2020 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Psychiatry showed significant and lasting pain reduction for patients with chronic back pain who received PRT, compared to placebo and usual care.

    • Dr. Howard Schubiner's work: Dr. Schubiner, a leading proponent of PRT, emphasizes the connection between the brain and pain perception. His work is based on the neuroscience understanding of neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to change and adapt

    • Mindfulness meditation: Numerous studies, including a 2015 review published in JAMA Internal Medicine, have highlighted the benefits of mindfulness meditation in pain management by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving emotional regulation.

    • Hypnotherapy: a 2018 review published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found evidence suggesting its potential effectiveness in managing chronic pain.

    Recent research in pain science suggests that chronic pain often arises not solely from physical issues but can also be influenced by psychological factors like thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. A 2015 review published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience concluded that "pain is not simply a sensory experience, but rather a complex output of the nervous system that is influenced by a variety of factors, including sensory, affective, and cognitive processes."

    By incorporating these evidence-based approaches, my support aims to address the multifaceted nature of chronic pain and empower you to take an active role in your recovery journey.


    “Thank you for the quality of your support and for helping me move forward during that time. Your belief in my abilities gave me the confidence to progress, even when I was held back by my fears. I can’t thank you enough for being a steady source of encouragement.”

    “It is quite amazing how the therapy works! Jean is clearly a very knowledgeable and compassionate therapist who always put me at ease. I would highly recommend Jean to anyone suffering from chronic pain.”

    “Dear Jean, I just want to write to say how beneficial I have found the support you have been giving me over the winter. I genuinely felt better after nearly every session I had with you. Your empathy, patience, and professional knowledge were truly appreciated. What stood out to me the most was your ability to ‘read’ what was needed in each session, rather than following a set ‘script’ or protocol.”

    "Before I saw Jean there were times when my pain was so bad I could barely walk. Turning over in bed caused me to cry out loud with the pain. A year of doctors, physiotherapists and chiropractors seemed to make it worse: it wasn’t their fault, seeing them was re-enforcing in my brain that I had a serious bio-mechanical problem.

    After eight sessions with Jean my pain is almost gone and, even when it is there, I wouldn’t even call it pain anymore, it’s just a slight sensation for me to work with using the tools I've been given. I am confident that it will continue to dissipate because I know, far more than I did before, why my body speaks to me the way it does; I am learning to listen to its wisdom."

    While these testimonials reflect positive experiences, it's important to note that everyone's journey is unique. Each person's response to therapy can vary, and what works for one individual may not work the same way for another. However, I hope that these stories serve as beacons of hope, illustrating the potential for positive change and healing.

    How to get started

    1. Schedule a free online consultation to discuss your goals and determine if this support is right for you.
    2. Book your first appointment.
    3. Begin your personalised therapy sessions and embark on your journey to a pain-free life.


    and my therapeutic approach

    I combine my expertise in Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) - which I'm certified in - with other effective approaches to create a customised program for your unique journey to pain relief. Here's how I empower you:

    • Uncover the unconscious cause

    Thanks to my Post Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalytic Studies I can help you understand how past experiences and emotions might influence your pain perception.

    • Tap into your inner strength

    My advanced diploma in clinical hypnosis and mind therapies equips me 

    with techniques which help you harness inner resources for transformative healing.

    • Reduce tension and reframe pain

    As a Yoga Therapist, I can guide you in somatic work, breathwork, mindful movement, and meditation to promote relaxation and a healthier relationship with pain signals.

    NCH Logo
    • Challenge unhelpful thoughts

    My training in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) equips you with tools to identify and shift thought patterns that may contribute to pain.

    This holistic approach addresses your physical and mental well-being, offering a comprehensive path to find freedom from the limitations of pain.

    * I am certified and registered with the National Council for Hypnotherapy and with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council as a hypnotherapist.




    What is Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT)?

    PRT is a form of therapy that helps you understand how your brain perceives pain and provides tools to retrain your nervous system to reduce pain signals.

    How long does PRT take to work?

    The time it takes to experience relief varies depending on the individual and the complexity of their pain. Some clients experience significant improvement within weeks, while others may need more time. However, PRT is designed to be a relatively brief therapy compared to traditional pain management approaches.

    I don't have a lot of free time. Will PRT still work for me?

    PRT sessions can be tailored to fit your schedule. While consistent effort is key, the program focuses on providing you with tools and techniques you can integrate into your daily life, even with limited free time.

    Is there any risk involved with PRT?

    PRT is a non-invasive and safe therapy. There are no medications or physical adjustments involved.

    What if PRT doesn't work for me?

    While PRT has shown promising results, it's not a guaranteed solution for everyone.

    While this process is designed to provide effective tools and support, individual results may vary, and I cannot guarantee specific outcomes. However, during our initial consultation, we can discuss your specific situation and determine if PRT is a good fit for you. Additionally, the skills you learn through PRT, such as managing stress, emotions and negative thought patterns, can still be beneficial regardless of pain reduction.

    I'm skeptical about alternative therapies. Why should I try PRT?

    PRT is grounded in scientific research. Studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing chronic pain. It also offers a different approach compared to traditional methods that may not have been successful for you.

    What are the benefits of PRT compared to other pain management options?

    PRT focuses on addressing the root cause of pain, not just managing symptoms. It empowers you to take an active role in your recovery and provides tools for long-term pain relief. Additionally, PRT avoids the potential side effects associated with medications or invasive procedures.

    What's the next step if I'm interested in learning more?

    Contact me today for a free consultation! We can discuss your specific situation and see if PRT is right for you.

    How much does PRT cost?

    PRT sessions are offered in a structured format. To ensure the most effective results, the minimum recommended length is 8 weeks. The cost for this 8-week program is £800, which can be paid upfront or in two instalments of £400 each or a per-session payment of £100.

    *I am committed to making my services accessible to those who may be facing financial difficulties. Therefore, I offer flexible payment options, including the possibility of paying in instalments. This way, we can work together to find a payment plan that suits your situation and makes it more manageable for you.

    In addition to that, I provide concessions for individuals with low income. I understand that everyone's circumstances are unique, and I want to ensure that my support is available to those who need it most. During our consultation, we can have a conversation about these options and find the best arrangement that aligns with your needs.



    Body Wisdom:

    Discovering Joy Beyond Pain

    Body Wisdom is a FREE newsletter dedicated to guiding you through Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) and mind-body approaches to help you manage chronic pain. Through insightful articles, practical techniques, and inspiring stories, I aim to empower you on your journey toward healing and wellbeing.

    Join a community of readers who are embracing a holistic path to living beyond pain. By subscribing, you will receive regular updates that offer support, knowledge, and encouragement directly to your inbox.

    Subscribe now to embark on a journey toward rediscovering joy and reclaiming your life.
